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論文リスト List of Publications and Preprints ( MathSciNet )

[1] H. Nasu, Obstructions to deforming space curves and non-reduced components of the Hilbert scheme, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., 42 (2006), 117-141.
( MathSciNet MR2215438 | ems-ph.org )
[2] H. Nasu, The Hilbert scheme of space curves of degree d and genus 3d-18, Communications in Algebra, 36 (2008), no. 11, 4163-4185.
( MathSciNet MR2460408 | tandfonline.com )
[3] H. Nasu, Deformations of degenerate curves on a Segre 3-fold, Higher dimensional algebraic varieties and vector bundles, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B9, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2008, 163-174.
( MathSciNet MR2509699 | repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp )
[4] S. Mukai, H. Nasu, Obstructions to deforming curves on a 3-fold, I: A generalization of Mumford's example and an application to Hom schemes, Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 18 (2009), 691-709.
( MathSciNet MR2524595 | ams.org )
[5] H. Nasu, Obstructions to deforming curves on a 3-fold, II: Deformations of degenerate curves on a del Pezzo 3-fold, Annales de L'Institut Fourier, 60 (2010), no.4, 1289-1316.
( MathSciNet MR2722242 | aif.centre-mersenne.org )
[6] H. Nasu, Obstructions to deforming curves on a 3-fold, III: Deformations of curves lying on a K3 surface, International Journal of Mathematics, 28 (2017), no.13, 1750099 [30 pages].
( MathSciNet MR3737076 | worldscientific.com )
[7] H. Nasu, Obstructions to deforming curves on a prime Fano 3-fold, Mathematische Nachrichten, 292 (2019), no.8, 1777-1790.
( MathSciNet MR3994302 | wiley.com )
[8] H. Nasu, Corrigendum to “Obstructions to deforming curves on a 3-fold, III: Deformations of curves lying on a K3 surface”, International Journal of Mathematics, 31 (2020), no.12, 2092001, 6 pp.
( MathSciNet MR4184435 | worldscientific.com )
[9] H. Nasu, Obstructions to deforming curves on an Enriques-Fano 3-fold, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 225 (2021), no.9, 106677, 15 pp.
( MathSciNet MR4200813 | sciencedirect.com )
[10] H. Nasu, Obstructions to deforming space curves lying on a smooth cubic surface, Manuscripta Mathematica, 172 (2023), issue 1-2, 31-55.
( MathSciNet MR4632920 | Splinger Link )
[11] H. Nasu, Obstructions to deforming space curves lying on a del Pezzo surface, ( arXiv: 2501.15788 )

修士論文 Master Thesis
Chow stability of space curves, 名古屋大学, 1999年1月. (指導教員:向井茂 教授)
Nagoya University, January 1999. (Advisor : Prof. Shigeru Mukai)
博士論文 Doctor Thesis
Obstructions to deforming space curves and non-reduced components of the Hilbert scheme, 京都大学, 2005年3月. (指導教員:向井茂 教授)
Kyoto University, March 2005. (Advisor : Prof. Shigeru Mukai)

報告集記事 Proceedings
  1. Obstructions to deforming space curves and non-reduced components of the Hilbert scheme (in Japanese), (article)
  2. A new example of a generically non-reduced component of the Hom scheme (向井茂氏との共同研究) (in Japanese), 「射影多様体の幾何とその周辺2005」報告集, 2005, pp.45--53. (article)
  3. The Hilbert scheme of canonical curves on del Pezzo 3-folds and its application to Hom scheme (a joint work with S.Mukai), 「第3回代数曲線論シンポジウム」, 報告集, 2005, pp.102--113. (article)
  4. 3次元del Pezzo多様体内の退化曲線の変形, 「射影多様体の幾何とその周辺2006」報告集, 2006, pp.69--80. (article)
  5. Obstructions to deforming space curves and a remark to a conjecture of Kleppe, 「第6回代数曲線論シンポジウム」, 報告集, 2008, pp.79--86. (article)
  6. Obstructions to deforming space curves and a remark to a conjecture of Kleppe (in Japanese), 「射影多様体の幾何とその周辺2009」報告集, 2009, pp.1--10. (article)
  7. Obstructions to deforming degenerate curves on a scroll (in Japanese), 「都の西北代数幾何学シンポジウム」報告集, 2010, pp.105--114.
  8. Obstructions to deforming space curves lying on a smooth quartic surface, 「第11回代数曲線論シンポジウム」報告集, 2014, pp.105--117.
  9. Obstructions to deforming space curves lying on an elliptic quartic surface (in Japanese), 「Fano多様体の最近の進展」, 数理解析研究所講究録, 2014.5, No.1897, pp.128--141. (article)
  10. 3次元Fano多様体上のK3曲面に含まれる曲線の変形障害について, 「射影多様体の幾何とその周辺2015」報告集, 2015, pp.31--44. (article)
  11. Obstructions to deforming curves lying on a K3 surface in a Fano 3-fold​, 「都の西北代数幾何学シンポジウム」報告集, 2016, pp.25--37. (article)
  12. Obstructions to deforming curves on an Enriques-Fano 3-fold, 「代数幾何学シンポジウム」報告集, 2019, pp.85--94. (article)
  13. Primary obstructions to deforming embedded curves and an application to the Hilbert scheme of space curves, 「第20回代数曲線論シンポジウム」報告集, 2022. (article)
  14. 非特異del Pezzo曲面に含まれる空間曲線の変形障害, 研究集会「代数幾何学とその周辺の話題」報告集, 2024. (article)
講演リスト List of Talks ( 2011--2022 | 2003-- )

